Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Donna's Bundle Part 2

After being notified that my love letter request had been selected, I had to sign a virtual contract agreeing to have my mailing address posted on the MLL website and to scan each letter in order to ensure that it would not upset the recipient. I checked all of the appropriate boxes, typed my name on the dotted line, thinking that it may be another month or so before the request was even posted. Boy was I wrong! My request was posted within days and all of Donna's letters were to be postmarked by August 15th. Each day I eagerly awaited the mailman, excited for the first letter to arrive. Nothing more than disappointing junk mail and bills arrived to mock me day after day, until finally on August 6th, four perfectly sweet and uplifting letters arrived from different corners of the US. 

And just two days later, NINETEEN letters arrived in one thick, lovely, incredible stack. Amazingly, some of these letters were even from other countries!

At a time in our lives when it seems like all that is ever reported on the news or posted in the newspaper is bad news involving heartless people, reading the beautiful encouraging words of perfect strangers was exactly what I needed. It was refreshing to witness first hand the kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion poured into each letter. With each word, my faith in humanity was restored and my desire to pay it forward in my own letters grew deeper. I am so excited to see how many letters have been selflessly composed for this one bundle... I am excited to compile the list of the letters' hometowns... I am even more excited to share all of that information with you in my next post... And even more than that, I'm excited to pass all of these letters on to dear Donna. I hope they bring her as much joy as they've brought me!

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