As Amy mentioned, we both recently became pet moms. My husband and I don't have (human) kids yet, so my pups are my babies.
On November 11, 2012, Travis and I decided to bring home an adorable white American bulldog puppy. We decided to name her Bella. I had always loved the name Isabella and wanted to save it in case I ever had a daughter. That is, until one day I mentioned the name and Travis said he really didn't like it. Instead of letting a cute name go to waste, I decided to name our puppy Bella (which means "beautiful" in Italian... very fitting if I do say so myself).
Bella is almost 11 months old now (her birthday is September 7, 2012). We assume that she was the runt of her litter, as she is only 40 lbs and her vet says she probably won't get any bigger (full grown American bulldogs are about double Bella's size). She is
full of energy. She loves meeting new people (especially kids). She loves being chased around the yard (and to chase others... in a friendly way of course). She can often be found chasing butterflies and baby frogs. She has a love of squeaky toys, playing fetch, and frequent trips in the car. She has never met a dog or person that she didn't like. Bella often gets lonely when she is left by herself, so after some thought, we decided to bring home another puppy.

On July 7th, 2013, we brought home a little Rottweiler puppy, who we named Luna (Bella luna is an Italian phrase meaning "beautiful moon." If you haven't guessed it yet, I am part Italian). Luna was born on May 10, 2013 (only 5 days before my birthday), and is now only 11 weeks old. Just like human sisters, Luna and Bella are both very alike and very different. While Bella is outgoing, Luna prefers to stay back and observe. You can usually find her sitting at my feet, watching Bella run around like a dog on Red Bull. When she doesn't want to do something (like go into her crate at night), Luna rolls over and sweetly begs for a belly rub. She loves sticks. I try my best to keep them away from her (or at least keep her from eating them), but she can often be seen carrying sticks (varying from a couple inches to about 2 feet long) around the yard.

The pups are already best friends. They love wrestling together and playing hide and seek. They hate beings separated. They can be very jealous. If someone pets one of them, the other will run to get her fair share. They love to cuddle with each other and would gladly snuggle in bed with you if you will let them.
If you can't already tell, I
LOVE my fur babies. I would gladly tell you much more about them, but I will save that for later. Be sure to come back for more stories about Bella and Luna, as well as other pet related info I find to share with all of you.
Do you have any pets? If so, tell me about them! If not, what kind of pet would you like to have? Either way, I would love to hear from you!